Exploring the delicate balance between sport-specific training and maintaining movement variability, this article delves into how elite athletes navig...
Imagine for a moment, you're at the pinnacle of your healthcare practice—patients are thriving under your care, your schedule is seamlessly managed, a...
Having a clear mission statement is important for any business, but it's not enough. To build a successful business, you need to define the key charac...
Uncover the secrets to formulating a mission statement that resonates with authenticity and purpose, going beyond mere words to truly define the soul...
Working in healthcare can take a toll on mental and emotional well-being. When surrounded by people in pain, can healthcare providers truly attain happiness? Discover actionable strategies to harness emotional self-management and find inner peace in...
Overnight, we had to pivot from planning the logistics and travel of live classes to transitioning all learning to a virtual environment and shifting...
Manual therapy practitioners have been walking the long journey of fascial therapy for years. For much of this journey we’ve been walking blindly; not...
In all of this reflecting on my personal journey through aging, I started to think about aging and expectations in regards to interactions with my pat...
After being evaluated by her medical doctor, a recent patient was diagnosed with moderate degeneration of the cartilage on the posterior side of the p...
In today's modern culture, we are bombarded everywhere with ads and promotions trying to sell us something. Features, benefits and "buy now" offers a...
The running joke amongst therapists and rehab professionals (no pun intended) is that the best home exercise to prescribe a patient is the one you can...
It’s encouraging to see an uptick in the number of rehab professionals that are using some sort of system to classify patients in order to recommend t...